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Designing Inclusive Future Augmented Realities

Progettazione di Realtà Aumentate Inclusive per il Futuro

Nebeling Michael, Oki Mika, Gelsomini Mirko, Hayes Gillian R, Billinghurst Mark, Suzuki Kenji, Graf Roland


Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems




Conference Paper


Abstract (EN)

Augmented and mixed reality technology is rapidly advancing, driven by innovations in display, sensing, and AI technologies. This evolution, particularly in the era of generative AI with large language and text-to-image models such as GPT and Stable Diffusion, has the potential, not only to make it easier to create, but also to adapt and personalize, new content. Our workshop explores the pivotal role of augmented and mixed reality to shape a user's interactions with their physical surroundings. We aim to explore how inclusive future augmented realities can be designed, with increasing support for automation, such that environments can welcome users with different needs, emphasizing accessibility and inclusion through layers of augmentations. Our aim is not only to remove barriers by providing accommodations, but also to create a sense of belonging by directly engaging users. Our workshop consists of three main activities: (1) Through brainstorming and discussion of examples provided by the workshop organizers and participants, we critically review the landscape of accessible and inclusive design and their vital role in augmented and mixed reality experiences. (2) Through rapid prototyping activities including bodystorming and low-fidelity, mixed-media prototypes, participants explore how augmented and mixed reality can transform physical space into a more personal place, enhancing accessibility and inclusion based on novel interface and interaction techniques that are desirable, but not necessarily technically feasible just yet. In the workshop, we plan to focus on physical space to facilitate rapid prototyping without technical constraints, but techniques developed in the workshop are likely applicable to immersive virtual environments as well. (3) Finally, we collaborate to outline a research agenda for designing future augmented realities that promote equal opportunities, benefiting diverse user populations. Our workshop inspires innovation in augmented and mixed reality, reshaping physical environments to be more accessible and inclusive through immersive design.

Abstract (IT)

La tecnologia di realtà aumentata e mista sta avanzando rapidamente, trainata dalle innovazioni nelle tecnologie di visualizzazione, sensori e intelligenza artificiale. Questa evoluzione, in particolare nell'era dell'AI generativa con modelli come GPT e Stable Diffusion, ha il potenziale non solo di facilitare la creazione, ma anche di personalizzare nuovi contenuti. Il nostro workshop esplora il ruolo cruciale della realtà aumentata e mista nel modellare le interazioni dell'utente con l'ambiente fisico, con un'enfasi sull'accessibilità e l'inclusione attraverso strati di aumentazione. L'obiettivo è rimuovere barriere e creare un senso di appartenenza coinvolgendo direttamente gli utenti.

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