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Interaction Modalities and Children's Learning in Multisensory Environments: Challenges and Trade-offs

Modalità di interazione e apprendimento dei bambini in ambienti multisensoriali: sfide e compromessi

Cosentino Giulia, Gelsomini Mirko, Sharma Kshitij, Giannakos Michail


Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference




Conference Paper


Abstract (EN)

Allowing children to engage in technologically enabled embodied interaction activities has the potential to enhance learning and play. This work leverages the capabilities provided by multisensory environments (MSEs) to address the underlying research question: What are the benefits, challenges, and trade-offs between the various interaction modalities in the context of educational MSEs for children? To answer this question, we designed and deployed MOVES, a MSE-enabler that goes beyond the previous "hardwired" technologies and affords different interaction modalities. We conducted an in-situ field study with 175 children aged 6–10, who engaged with MOVES and the five interaction modalities. We captured children's experiences (perceptions and actual use) through action logs, data collected from the various sensors (e.g., physiological data from wristbands, skeletal data from motion sensors), and pictorial-based self-reports. The results provide the differences between the various interaction modalities and design considerations aimed at facilitating children's learning experiences within an MSE.

Abstract (IT)

Consentire ai bambini di impegnarsi in attività di interazione corporea tecnologicamente abilitata ha il potenziale per migliorare l'apprendimento e il gioco. Questo lavoro sfrutta le capacità fornite dagli ambienti multisensoriali (MSE) per rispondere alla domanda di ricerca: Quali sono i benefici, le sfide e i compromessi tra le varie modalità di interazione nel contesto degli MSE educativi per bambini? I risultati mostrano le differenze tra le modalità di interazione e offrono considerazioni progettuali per facilitare le esperienze di apprendimento dei bambini all'interno di un MSE.

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