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Building Community: Report on KidRec Workshop on Children and Recommender Systems at RecSys 2017

Costruire Comunità: Report sul Workshop KidRec sui Bambini e i Sistemi di Raccomandazione

Pera Maria Soledad, Fails Jerry Alan, Gelsomini Mirko, Garzotto Franca






Journal Article


Abstract (EN)

We present in this manuscript a report on KidRec 2017 workshop, the first edition of the international workshop on Children & Recommender Systems, co-located with the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) held in Como, Italy. While research focused on recommender systems is prolific and addresses issues pertaining to multiple domains-from music, restaurant, and movie recommendations to scholarly publications or news-little has been done to explore the constraints and limitations that existing strategies must face when applied to non-traditional stakeholders, such as children. The first edition of our workshop was aimed at providing a venue dedicated to building community in this area and identify future research paths to nurture and grow this emerging community.

Abstract (IT)

Presentiamo in questo manoscritto un report sul workshop KidRec 2017, la prima edizione del workshop internazionale sui Bambini e i Sistemi di Raccomandazione, co-organizzato con l'11a Conferenza ACM sui Sistemi di Raccomandazione (RecSys) tenutasi a Como, Italia. Sebbene la ricerca sui sistemi di raccomandazione sia prolifica e affronti molteplici domini, come musica, ristoranti, film, pubblicazioni scientifiche e notizie, poco è stato fatto per esplorare le limitazioni e le sfide quando applicati a stakeholder non tradizionali, come i bambini. Il workshop ha mirato a costruire una comunità in questo ambito emergente e a identificare percorsi di ricerca futuri.

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