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Interactive Technologies and Autism, Second Edition

Tecnologie interattive e autismo, Seconda Edizione

Kientz Julie, Hayes Gillian, Goodwin Matthew, Gelsomini Mirko, Abowd Gregory


Synthesis Lectures on Assistive, Rehabilitative, and Health-Preserving Technologies






Abstract (EN)

This book provides an in-depth review of the historical and state-of-the-art use of technology by and for individuals with autism. The design, development, deployment, and evaluation of interactive technologies for use by and with individuals with autism have been rapidly increasing over the last few decades. There is great promise for the use of these technologies to enrich lives, improve the experience of interventions, help with learning, facilitate communication, support data collection, and promote understanding. Emerging technologies in this area also have the potential to enhance assessment and diagnosis of autism, to understand the nature and lived experience of autism, and to help researchers conduct basic and applied research. The intention of this book is to give readers a comprehensive background for understanding what work has already been completed and its impact as well as what promises and challenges lie ahead. A large majority of existing technologieshave been designed for autistic children, there is increased interest in technology’s intersection with the lived experiences of autistic adults. By providing a classification scheme and general review, this book can help technology designers, researchers, autistic people, and their advocates better understand how technologies have been successful or unsuccessful, what problems remain open, and where innovations can further address challenges and opportunities for individuals with autism and the variety of stakeholders connected to them.

Abstract (IT)

Questo libro offre una recensione approfondita dell'uso storico e all'avanguardia della tecnologia da parte e per individui con autismo. Il design, lo sviluppo, la distribuzione e la valutazione delle tecnologie interattive per l'uso da parte di individui con autismo sono aumentati rapidamente negli ultimi decenni. C'è grande promessa nell'uso di queste tecnologie per arricchire le vite, migliorare l'esperienza degli interventi, facilitare l'apprendimento, la comunicazione, supportare la raccolta di dati e promuovere la comprensione. Le tecnologie emergenti in quest'area hanno anche il potenziale per migliorare la valutazione e la diagnosi dell'autismo, comprendere la natura e l'esperienza vissuta dell'autismo e aiutare i ricercatori nella ricerca di base e applicata. L'intenzione di questo libro è fornire ai lettori una base completa per comprendere il lavoro già svolto e il suo impatto, oltre a ciò che promette il futuro e le sfide che ci attendono.

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